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Friday, August 23, 2024

Gamifiction in Classroom



Jeopardy is a game show-style quiz where contestants answer questions in a specific format. The game is typically played in rounds, with each round featuring different categories and point values. Contestants choose a category and point value and then answer a question related to that topic. If they answer correctly, they earn the points.

Advantages of Jeopardy game

  • Learning and Knowledge
  • Critical Thinking
  • Fun and Engagement
  • Competition and Excitement
  • Improved Memory
  • Increased Vocabulary
  • Social Interaction
  • Stress Relief
  • Educational Value
  • How to play

    Step 1: Prepare the Game Board

    • Categories and Questions: Create a game board with categories, each containing five questions of increasing difficulty and point value (e.g., 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 points).
    • Digital or Physical Board: You can use a digital presentation (e.g., PowerPoint, Google Slides) or a physical board with cards.

    Step 2: Divide the Class into Teams

    • Team Formation: Split the class into 2-4 teams, depending on the size of the class.
    • Team Names: Allow teams to choose fun names to build camaraderie.

    Step 3: Explain the Rules

    • Overview: Explain that the game is played by selecting questions from a board and answering them for points.
    • Turn Order: Establish how teams will take turns. Typically, teams take turns choosing a category and point value.
    • Answer Format: Remind teams that answers should be given as statements, not questions (e.g., "The answer is the cell").

    Step 4: Start the Game

    • Choosing Questions: The first team selects a category and a point value (e.g., “Epithelial Tissue for 300”).
    • Reveal the Question: The host (you) reads the question aloud.
    • Answering: The team that chose the question answers first. If they answer correctly, they earn the points and select the next question. If they answer incorrectly, other teams have a chance to answer.

    Step 5: Scorekeeping

    • Correct Answers: Award the team the point value of the question if they answer correctly.
    • Incorrect Answers: Deduct points if you're playing with penalties, or allow other teams to answer.
    • Daily Double: If a team selects a Daily Double, they can wager any amount of their points and answer the question for that wagered amount.

    Step 6: Final Jeopardy

    • Reaching Final Jeopardy: After all the questions are answered, move on to Final Jeopardy.
    • Wagering: Teams can wager any portion of their total points based on the category announced by the host.
    • Answering: Teams write down their answers after the question is revealed. Once time is up, teams reveal their answers.
    • Adjust Scores: Adjust scores based on the wagers and correct/incorrect answers.

    Step 7: Declare the Winner

    • Highest Score Wins: The team with the highest score at the end of Final Jeopardy wins the game.
    • Tie-Breaker: In case of a tie, ask an additional tie-breaker question to determine the winner.

    Tips for a Successful Game

    • Time Management: Keep the game moving by setting time limits for answering.
    • Engagement: Encourage all teams to participate, even without selecting questions.

    Fun and Learning: Ensure the game remains fun, but also educational, reinforcing the concepts being taught

    Click here to download the game

    Grade 9 Science Jeopardy game (Body Structure and life process)


    Wednesday, July 17, 2024

    शुद्ध नेपाली लेख्न अब चिन्ता छैन

    नेपालीमा लेख्नुहुन्छ तर शुद्ध लेख्न आउदैन । अब चिन्ता लिनु पर्दैन ।

    के तपाइलाई नेपालीमा शुद्ध लेख्न गाह्रो भइरहेको छ ? अथवा नेपाली शुद्ध लेख्न आउँदैन

    अब चिन्ता लिनु पनि पर्दैन। 

    कुनै विज्ञ सँग धाइरहनु पर्दैन ।

    यसको लागि तपाइलाई व्याकरणको कुनै नियम कण्ठ गर्न आवश्यक छैन । मात्र युनिकोडमा लेख्न जाने पुग्छ ।

    नेपाली लेख्दा हुने केही त्रुटिहरू यस प्रकार छन्;

    ✅ह्रस्व र दीर्घमा
    ✅हलन्त र अजन्त
    ✅शिरविन्दु र चन्द्रविन्दु
    ✅केही वर्णहरू जस्तै ब र व, स, ष र स, छ र क्ष, न र ण,
    ✅रेफ आदिमा ।

    नेपाली लेख्दा हुने त्रुटि कम गर्न हामीले केही वेबसाइट सुझाव गर्नेछौ जसले तपाइको कामलाई सजिलो बनाउने छ ।

    नेपाली शुद्धाशुद्धिको लागि केही सर्तहरू 

    १. तपाइले लेखेको अक्षर युनिकोडमा हुनु पर्नेछ ।

    २. यसले पनि कतिपय ठाउँमा गल्ती गर्न सक्छ यसको उत्तरमा पूर्ण रूपमा भर पर्नु भने हुँदैन  जस्तै; यसले अक्षर सँगै जोडिएर लेखिएका अक्षरलाई, अङ्ग्रेजी भाषाका तर नेपालीमा लेखिने शब्दलाई गल्ती देखाउन सक्छ । 

    कसरी गर्ने त ?

    • युनिकोडमा टाइप गरिएको अक्षरहरू कपि गर्नुहोस् । यदि युनिकोडमा टाइप छैन भने युनिकोडमा रूपान्तर गर्नुहोस् । 
    • तल दिइएको मध्य कुनै एक आफूलाई मन पर्ने वेबसाइट खोल्नुहोस् ।
    • login/signup आवश्यक भए गर्नुहोस् ।
    • कपि गरिएकोलाई पेस्ट गर्नुहोस् ।
    • गल्ती पहिचान गर्नुहोस् र आवश्यक सुझाव प्रयोग गरी सच्याउनुहोस् ।
    • युनिकोडमा रूपान्तरको लागि यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुहोस्  । 

    नेपाली शुद्धीकरणको लागी लिङ्क क्लिक गर्नुहोस्।

    पहिलो वेबसाइट 

    दोस्रो वेबसाइट 



    Tuesday, July 16, 2024

    प्रयोगात्मक/परियोजना कार्य

    प्रयोगात्मक/परियोजना कार्य 

    विज्ञान विषय शिक्षण गर्दा सिकाइ निर्माण गर्न विभिन्न प्रयोगात्मक तथा परियोजना कार्य गर्नु पर्ने हुन्छ । कक्षा ४ देखि १० सम्म विज्ञान शिक्षण गर्न न्यूनतम रूपमा गर्ने भनी केही प्रयोगात्मक तथा परियोजना कार्य पाठ्यक्रममा नै उल्लेख गरिएको छ । 

    उक्त प्रयोगात्मक क्रियाकलाप सञ्चालन गर्न ; 

    1. विद्यालयको परिवेश समेटेर शिक्षकले नै क्रियाकलाप डिजाइन गर्नु पर्छ, ।
    2. साथै अवलोकन वा तथ्याङ्क सङ्कलनको लागि वर्कशीट वा तालिका निर्माण गर्नु पर्छ, ।
    3. प्रयोगात्मक क्रियाकलाप सञ्चालन गर्दा विद्यार्थीमा विभिन्न वैज्ञानिक प्रक्रियागत सिप साथै वैज्ञानिक अभिवृत्ति विकासमा ध्यान दिनुपर्छ ।
    4. प्रयोगात्मक तथा परियोजना क्रियाकलाप पश्चात् प्रस्तुति गर्नु पर्छ ।
    5. प्रयोगात्मक क्रियाकलाप सञ्चालन गरिसकेपछि विद्यार्थीलाई प्रतिवेदन लेख्न लगाउनु पर्छ ।

    कक्षा ६ देखी १० सम्म गर्न सकिने प्रयोगात्मक तथा परियोजना कार्यहरू:

    अङ्ग्रेजी र नेपाली दुवै माध्यममा डाउनलोड गर्न 

    यहाँ क्लीक गर्नुहोस् 

    तपाई आन्तरिक मुल्यांकनमा रुची राख्नु हुन्छ, विद्यार्थीलाई प्रयोगात्मक क्रियाकलाप मार्फत शिक्षण गर्नु हुन्छ भने विद्यार्थीको  लागि सहयोगी प्रयोगात्मक पुस्तिकाको  ( कक्षा ६-१०) sample copy

    click here to download


    Thursday, July 11, 2024

    Gamification in learning

    खेलले कसरी सिकाइ वृद्धि गर्छ ?

    विद्यार्थीलाई खेल मनपर्छ। विद्यार्थीलाई सिकाइप्रतिको रुचि जगाउन र सिकाइ सक्रियता बढाउन सिकाई पनि मन पर्नु  पर्छ । पढाइ/सिकाइ पनि मन पर्ने खालको बनाउन खेल मार्फत शिक्षण गर्न सकिन्छ । 

    गेमिफिकेसन जुन खेलका तत्त्वहरूलाई गैरखेलका कामहरूमा प्रयोग गर्नुलाई भनिन्छ। जस्तै शिक्षण सिकाइमा । शिक्षण सिकाइलाई रोचक र अन्तरक्रियात्मक बनाउन गेमका विभिन्न तत्त्वहरू शिक्षण सिकाइमा प्रयोग गर्नुलाई बुझ्नुपर्छ। 

    खेलका तत्त्वहरू: 

    ✅अङ्क र ब्याज: विद्यार्थीले काम सम्पन्न गरेबापत र कुनै धारणा निर्माण गरेबापत अङ्क प्राप्त गर्छन्। ब्याज चाहिँ विशेष उपलब्धिको लागि प्रदान गर्नुपर्छ।

    ✅लेभल र प्रगति स्तम्भ: सिकाइलाई यात्राको रूपमा लिनुपर्छ जसमा विभिन्न तहहरू जसलाई पूरा गर्दै नयाँ तह खोल्दै जानुपर्छ । विद्यार्थीले आफ्नो प्रगति देख्न पाउँदा उनीहरू उत्प्रेरित हुन्छन् ।

    ✅लिडर बोर्ड: मित्रवत् प्रतिस्पर्धा विद्यार्थीमा प्रेरणा जगाउनको लागि निकै सहायक हुन्छ । लिडर बोर्ड व्यक्तिगत वा समूहमा आधारित पनि हुनसक्छ ।

    ✅खोज र चुनौती: विद्यार्थीका असाइनमेन्टलाई रोचक खोज र चुनौतीको रूपमा प्रस्तुत गर्नुपर्छ। जसलाई विद्यार्थीले पूरा गर्नुपर्छ ।  

    खेल माध्यमद्वारा शिक्षण गर्नुका फाइदाहरू के हुन सक्छ? 

    1. सिकारुको सक्रियता बढ्छ

    2. सिकारुमा सिकाइप्रति उत्प्रेरणा जगाउँछ

    3. सिकाई उपलब्धि वृद्धि गर्छ

    4. समूह सीप समालोचनात्मक सीप विकास गर्छ 

    खेल विधिद्वारा शिक्षण गर्न तपाईँ तयार हुनुहुन्छ।

    कसरी गर्ने त!

    • खेलका तत्त्वहरूलाई सिकाई उपलब्धिसँग जोड्ने

    • विद्यार्थीलाई खेल विधिद्वारा शिक्षण गर्न सानो पाठबाट सुरु गर्ने

    • खेल विधिद्वारा शिक्षण गर्न सरल साधनको प्रयोग गर्ने । जस्तै चार्ट, स्टिकर

    • विद्यार्थीबाट पृष्ठपोषण लिने, जस्तै खेलको के भागले उत्प्रेरित गरिरहेको छ खेलको कुन तत्त्वले उनीहरूलाई बढी मनोरञ्जन दिइरहेको छ ।

    ख्याल गर्नुस् शिक्षणमा खेलविधि कुनै जादुको छडी होइन। यो एउटा साधन हो। जसले सिकाइलाई वृद्धि गर्न सहयोग गर्छ। तर यसले असल शिक्षण अभ्यासलाई विस्थापन गर्न हुँदैन ।

    खेल विधिलाई गहिराइमा बुझ्न यसका विभिन्न पक्ष समेटेर पाठ्यक्रम निर्माण गरेका छौँ यसलाई हेरेर सकारात्मक सुझाव दिनु हुनेछ भन्ने अपेक्षा गर्दछौँ । 

    Click here to download 


    Monday, July 8, 2024

    वैज्ञानिक प्रतिवेदन लेखन शैली

    वैज्ञानिक प्रतिवेदन कसरी लेख्न सिकाउने ?

    वैज्ञानिक प्रतिवेदन वैज्ञानिक सिकाइका लागी नभई नहुने तत्त्व हो । कक्षाकोठामा दिने होमवर्क भन्दा यसको फरक महत्त्व छ ।

    वैज्ञानिक प्रतिवेदन किन आवश्यक छ ?

    वैज्ञानिक सिकाइ अन्तर्गत सञ्चार सिप एउटा महत्त्वपूर्ण सिप हो । प्रतिवेदनले पत्ता लगाइएका तथ्य अरू सामु सञ्चार गर्छ । वैज्ञानिक खोजमा दोहोरोपन हुन् नदिन पनि यसले टेवा पुर्याउछ । आज हामीले जति पनि वैज्ञानिक तथ्य अध्ययन गर्छौ प्रयोग गर्छौ ती सबै विगतमा भएका वैज्ञानिक खोजको परिणाम हो जसलाई वैज्ञानिकले प्रतिवेदन वा पुस्तकको रूपमा प्रकाशन गरेका थिए । सानै देखी बालबालिकामा सञ्चार सिप विकास गर्न र वैज्ञानिक चिन्तन तथा सीप विकास गर्न प्रतिवेदन लेख्न अनिवार्य रूपमा लगाउनु पर्छ । 

    १. यसले खोज/अनुसन्धानको विश्वसनीयता कायम गर्छ ।

    २. पूर्ववत् वैज्ञानिक प्रतिवेदनले विज्ञानको ज्ञान निर्माणमा टेवा पुर्याउछ ।

    ३. प्रतिवेदन  खोज अनुसन्धानको प्रमाणिक अभिलेख हो । जसले भविष्यमा हुने नयाँ खोज अनुसन्धानलाई आधारको काम गर्छ ।

    विज्ञानका विषयवस्तु शिक्षण गर्ने क्रममा बालबालिकामा वैज्ञानिक चेतना विकास गर्न प्रयोगात्मक वा परियोजना कार्य गरिसकेपछि प्रतिवेदन लेख्न लगाउनु पर्छ । यसले वैज्ञानिक सिप अन्तर्गत सञ्चार सीपलाई पुष्ट गर्दै जान्छ ।

    विज्ञान शिक्षकमा प्रयोगात्मक क्रियाकलाप र प्रतिवेदनलाई एकै रूपमा बुझ्ने गरेको पाइन्छ । 

    प्रयोगात्मक क्रियाकलाप र प्रयोगात्मक प्रतिवेदन बिच फरक;

    १. प्रयोगात्मक क्रियाकलाप प्रयोग गर्नु भन्दा अघिको भाग हो जसले हाम्रो प्रयोगलाई निर्देशित गर्छ । भने प्रतिवेदन प्रयोग गरिसकेपछि गरिएको कामको अभिलेखीकरण हो ।

    २. क्रियाकलापले अवलोकन, मापन र तथ्यलाई रेकर्ड लिन सघाउँछ भने प्रतिवेदनले तथ्य, विश्लेषण र निष्कर्षलाई प्रस्तुत गर्छ ।

    ३. क्रियाकलापले वैज्ञानिक सिप हासिल गर्न सघाउँछ, भने प्रतिवेदनले हाँसिल गरेको ज्ञानलाई सञ्चार गर्न सघाउँछ ।

    वैज्ञानिक प्रतिवेदन लेख्ने तरिका डाउनलोड गर्नुहोस् ।


    Wednesday, August 16, 2023

    Future of the mind book summary

    The Future of the Mind" is a book written by theoretical physicist Michio Kaku. In this book, Kaku explores the cutting-edge advancements in neuroscience and brain research. He discusses topics such as consciousness, memory, emotions, and the potential for mind uploading and telepathy. Kaku delves into the possibilities of manipulating and enhancing the human brain, including the potential to control objects using our thoughts alone. The book also touches on ethical and philosophical implications of these developments, inviting readers to ponder the potential benefits and risks of a future where our understanding of the mind has advanced to new frontiers

    Part I: The Mind and the Brain

    The Recording of Dreams: The book begins by discussing the possibility of recording dreams and the emergence of new technologies that can read brain activity and translate it into visual images.

    Mind Reading: Kaku explores the concept of mind reading using brain imaging techniques and how they might one day allow us to interpret people's thoughts and intentions.

    The Death of Photons: This chapter delves into the world of quantum physics and how it might be applied to understanding the brain's activities.

    Part II: Mind over Matter

    4. Telepathy and Telekinesis: Kaku explores the potential for telepathy and telekinesis, discussing experiments with brain-computer interfaces and the challenges of translating brain signals into actions.

    The Mind of a Caveman: This chapter explores the evolutionary history of the human brain, discussing how ancient instincts still influence modern behavior.

    The Making of the Mind: Kaku examines how the brain develops in utero, discussing the formation of neurons and synapses.

    Part III: Altered States

    7. The Mind of the Artist: The chapter delves into creativity and the brain, exploring the processes that give rise to artistic expression.

    The Mind of the God: Kaku discusses religious experiences and how they might be understood through neurological and psychological perspectives.

    The Mind of the Scientist: This chapter explores the minds of scientists and the process of scientific discovery, delving into the workings of creativity and innovation.

    Part IV: The Future of the Mind

    10. The Mind as Software: Kaku discusses the concept of mind uploading and the possibility of transferring consciousness into digital form.

    The Brain-Net: The chapter examines the potential for creating a global brain network that connects human minds, allowing for shared experiences and communication.

    The Cosmic Mind: Kaku explores the concept of a collective consciousness that spans the universe and the possibility of communicating with extraterrestrial civilizations.

    Conclusion: A Mind for the Future

    In the conclusion, Kaku reflects on the potential for new technologies to revolutionize our understanding of the mind and reshape human society.


    Monday, August 14, 2023

    "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill book summary


    "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill is a classic self-help book that focuses on the principles and mindset required to achieve success and financial abundance. The book was first published in 1937 and has since become a cornerstone in personal development literature. Here's a summarized overview of the key concepts presented in the book:

    1. The Power of Desire:

    • Desire is the starting point of all achievement. Clearly define your goals and have a strong burning desire to achieve them.

    2. Faith:

    • Cultivate unwavering faith and belief in yourself and your ability to achieve your goals.
    • Faith is essential for overcoming challenges and setbacks.

    3. Autosuggestion:

    • Use positive affirmations and self-talk to influence your subconscious mind positively.
    • Repetition of positive statements can influence your thoughts and actions.

    4. Specialized Knowledge:

    • Acquire specialized knowledge relevant to your field of interest.
    • Continuous learning and skill development are essential for success.

    5. Imagination:

    • Develop your creative imagination to come up with innovative ideas and solutions.
    • Visualization helps you see your goals as achievable realities.

    6. Organized Planning:

    • Create a clear and detailed plan for achieving your goals.
    • Planning increases efficiency and reduces the likelihood of drifting.

    7. Decision:

    • Make prompt and definite decisions.
    • Avoid procrastination and indecision, as they hinder progress.

    8. Persistence:

    • Develop resilience and the ability to persevere through challenges.
    • Keep working toward your goals despite obstacles or failures.

    9. The Mastermind:

    • Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share your goals.
    • Collaborate and exchange ideas to achieve greater success collectively.

    10. The Subconscious Mind:

    • Your thoughts and beliefs shape your reality.
    • Program your subconscious mind with positive thoughts and affirmations.

    11. The Brain:

    • Your thoughts and emotions influence your brain's energy and vibration.
    • Positive thoughts attract positive outcomes.

    12. The Sixth Sense:

    • Tap into your intuition and creative insight.
    • Trust your gut feelings to make informed decisions.

    13. Overcoming Fear:

    • Identify and overcome the fears that hold you back.
    • Fear is often a result of negative conditioning and can be overcome through positive reinforcement.

    "Think and Grow Rich" emphasizes the importance of a positive mental attitude, goal setting, and taking proactive steps toward success. Napoleon Hill's principles are rooted in the idea that our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality, and by harnessing the power of our minds, we can manifest our desires and achieve our goals. The book serves as a guide for developing the mindset, habits, and actions necessary to attain financial success and abundance.


    "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen R. Covey book summary

    Book Introduction

    "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen R. Covey is a timeless self-help book that offers practical guidance for personal and professional effectiveness. Covey introduces a holistic approach to personal growth based on seven habits that can help individuals transform their lives. Here's a summary of the key concepts from each habit:

    Habit 1: Be Proactive

    • Take responsibility for your actions and reactions.
    • Focus on what you can control and influence, rather than being reactive.
    • Empower yourself by making conscious choices aligned with your values.

    Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind

    • Define your personal and professional vision and set clear goals.
    • Visualize the outcomes you want to achieve, and use your imagination to create a mental blueprint.

    Habit 3: Put First Things First

    • Prioritize tasks and activities based on their importance.
    • Focus on activities that align with your values and contribute to your long-term goals.
    • Learn to say no to less important tasks to create time for meaningful work.

    Habit 4: Think Win-Win

    • Cultivate a mindset of mutual benefit and collaboration.
    • Seek solutions that create a win-win situation for all parties involved.
    • Avoid competitive or zero-sum thinking that leads to conflicts.

    Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood

    • Develop empathetic listening skills to truly understand others' perspectives.
    • Practice active listening and genuinely seek to comprehend before expressing your own viewpoint.

    Habit 6: Synergize

    • Embrace the power of teamwork and collaboration.
    • Combine the strengths and perspectives of individuals to create innovative solutions.
    • Value the differences among team members and use them to your advantage.

    Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw

    • Continuously renew and improve yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
    • Engage in activities that contribute to your overall well-being, such as exercise, reading, meditation, and reflection.

    Covey emphasizes that these habits are not quick-fix solutions but a gradual process of personal growth and character development. He introduces the concept of moving from a state of dependence to independence, and eventually, interdependence. The book encourages readers to take responsibility for their choices and actions, to align their lives with their principles, and to work on personal mastery.

    Overall, "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" provides a holistic framework for personal effectiveness and interpersonal effectiveness. It has remained a popular resource for individuals seeking to improve their habits, relationships, and overall quality of life.


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